Geechee’s Irish Seamoss!

Geechee’s Irish Seamoss!


Sea moss (a.k.a Irish moss) is not something you'll find in the typical American diet (but recently is has been popping). If you're of Jamaican or of Irish descent, there's a chance you've at least heard of it.

Sea moss is a whole food that is, in fact, chock full of beneficial vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants. So while our forefathers and foremothers have used sea moss for old-time remedies they may or may not have been able to explain, here are six ways this red seaweed can improve your health along with the science to back it up.

It may help you digest your food.

It can improve your thyroid function.

It may help to improve your energy levels.

It'll boost your immunity.

It may nourish your skin.

It could improve your emotional health.
It may keep you Covid free! .

Ingredients: Irish Seamoss, Alkaline water, lemon, honey, fruit of choice  


•SEAMOSS MAY COME LIQUIFIED UPON DELIVERY —please refrigerate over night before use.

Seamoss that is flavored will be more of an liquid texture, the regular seamoss will be firm!

•Seamoss is made fresh upon each order. We don’t pre-make them.

•Turnaround time is 48-60 hrs.

•Please keep Seamoss refrigerated always.

  • Please don’t double dip when eating sea moss.

• 1 tsp or add it to your favorite drink or smoothie.

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Sea moss is tasteless, so that you can add it to a variety of dishes. It's an especially great plant-based substitute for gelatin or other thickening agents. The traditional Jamaican Irish moss drink is a popular option, but you can also put it in:

    • Smoothies

    • Juices

    • Cakes

    • Sauces

    • Homemade ice cream

    • Stews and soups

Remember, since Irish moss has little to no flavor, you can get creative when reaping the benefits of this nutritious algae. So don't be afraid to experiment. You might come up with a new, tasty recipe.

Sea Moss and Bladderwrack. It contains 92 minerals of the 102 minerals that the human body consists of, such as zinc, iodineironcalciumpotassium, B-complex vitamins, sodium, sulfur, silicon, and iron.