Jasmine & Green Tea Face Scrub!

Jasmine & Green Tea Face Scrub!



Coconut Oil

Brown Sugar

Jasmine Herbs

Green Tea Herbs

Aloe Vera

Jasmine EO.


Use the scrub on a clean face or body as needed.

Please follow up with a moisturizer.


Please stop usage if any reaction occur and seek medical care.I must say that this face scrub is invigorating. All you’ll have to do its scoop a little bit up and rub it between the palms of your hands to warm it up and place it on your clean face.

Let it sit for 5-10 minutes, and use warm water to clean the scrub off of your face.

The scent is very flowery and earthy and you can feel the ingredients penetrate your skin. Please make sure you follow up with our Maggie Rd Face Oil!

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Coconut oil


Aloe Vera

Jasmine green tea

Vit E Oil

Tea Tree EO