Fat Burner Tincture!

Fat Burner Tincture!

from $13.99

Fat burner Tincture


Ginger, Ginseng root,

Cumin Seeds, Fennel Seeds, Oregano, Alfalfa,

Black Pepper, Chili Flakes, Cinnamon, Turmeric,

Organic High Proof Alcohol.


Add a few drops to a cup of coffee or tea.

Or by applying a few drops directly under

the tongue and allowing it to sit for a

minute before swallowing. You can workout after usage.


Warming spice that has many health benefits including weight loss. It achieves this by increasing your metabolism, suppressing your appetite, reducing the amount of fat absorbed, and maintaining blood sugar levels.


Contains compounds that interact with certain genes and proteins to control fat production.

Black Pepper

Increases metabolism which helps to s uppress the accumulation of fat cells and can help to keep any lost weight off. It also aids digestion, controls your blood sugar level and cholesterol.

Cumin seeds

Lower your blood sugar levels and cholesterol. They are full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds which can also increase your metabolism.


Is high in saponins, which have been found to decrease fat absorption in the body and moderate your appetite.

Ginseng root

Keeps your gut flora in the balance as well as accelerating metabolism. It can also change the way fat cells are created and absorbed thanks to the saponins present.


helps with liver and kidney function to cleanse the body. It achieves this by facilitating mineral and vitamin absorption, which in turn can decrease fat absorption as well. It is a diuretic at higher doses, and the seeds have a higher concentration of medicinal compounds. Not be consumed when pregnant.


Lowers cholesterol, manages blood sugar levels, and increases metabolism. It may also reduce your appetite by slowing down the breakdown of carbohydrates.

Paprika or chili flakes

Elevate metabolism and circulation. This can also help to burn fat via oxidation.

Spice Recommended For Weight Loss

Below you can find a shortlist of some other great herbs and spices that can either be added or substituted in your fat-burning tincture.


Has the ability to suppress fat production and acts as an anti-inflammatory for the intestinal tract.

Tincture disclosures.

Please note that the adult dose for any tincture is 5 mls at least once per day, but generally twice per day.

Some herbs are contra- indicated with specific Allopathic medications. If you are taking any prescription drugs, please contact us for safety information before ordering any herbal tinctures.

Disclaimer : Naturall Geechee! LLC we do not diagnose disease or illness. We can offer programs to assist in your health journey , after you have had advice from your doctor or specialist. Should you have unexplained symptoms, please speak to your doctor or specialist . We make no healing claims about any of the products offered on this website.

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Disclaimer : Naturall Geechee! LLC we do not diagnose disease or illness. We can offer programs to assist in your health journey , after you have had advice from your doctor or specialist. Should you have unexplained symptoms, please speak to your doctor or specialist . We make no healing claims about any of the products offered on this website. 

Weight loss is grueling. Fortunately, there is a lot of weight loss science, and the use of a wide variety of techniques is always the secret to success, including helping your weight loss strategy with herbs and spices.

Due to their high fiber content, several different plants and herbs aid with weight loss. There are also, however, several plants and herbs that will increase the metabolism.